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Ensaio Susana Del Rio_Atelie Gloria_Maio 2022_60.jpg

Uma paixão iniciada bem cedo, que agora quero compartilhar com mais e mais pessoas. Na cerâmica encontrei mais do que uma ocupação. Achei uma maneira de transmitir conhecimento e manter vivo dentro de mim algo que aprendi a valorizar no seio familiar. É assim que encaro meu trabalho e minha relação com a arte e a cerâmica.

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He was born in La Paz, a city rich in folklore and indigenous traditions. I grew up smelling the colorful mountains that surround the city, like the typical blue sky of the Andes. I descend from a family with an intimate relationship with art and culture. Music, plastic arts, design, dance and handicrafts mark the trajectory of the minha família há gerações.

At seven years old, on a natural path, I was admitted to the classical dance school. I was 17 years old and, for five years, I belonged to the university company, where I also studied Design. With the family moved to Mexico and I work for years in the Design area.

She was the one who had contact with ceramics, marking the artesãos da minha terra. In Mexico I also met my husband, who is Brazilian. She was happy to find me there, where I disembarked in 2008, after a passage through Canada.

Once here I continued working as a designer and had another reencounter, this time with ceramics. I met the atelier of the admired ceramist Hideko Homna and began to study with her, learning the Japanese lathe technique. I also studied with the Japanese professor Ikoma the technique oflicense plateandpinching.

I was born there, I also enjoy teaching, something that I felt even stronger when I came to Rio, in 2011. In the Cidade Maravilhosa I am also happy to meet and learn with the ceramist Matilde Carneiros, who opened the doors of her atelier for me.


Today I am a full-time ceramist. In a time when the products are made by machines, it is a great privilege to be able to raise with one's own mine more of the pieces that he produced. Privilege is still greater than the opportunity to share this with people.


The doors of the atelier are officially open!

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Hoje sou ceramista em tempo integral. Em uma época em que os produtos são feitos por máquinas, é um grande privilégio poder criar com minhas próprias mãos as peças que produzo. Privilégio ainda maior é ter a oportunidade de compartilhar isso com as pessoas.

As portas do ATELIÊ estão abertas.

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